
During my bachelor's degree I have had several courses in various areas of physics, however, these are the areas I have developed most interest in.

Quantum Computing

Last semester I was introduced to quantum computing by one of my TA's. This semester I decided to take up an elective focused specially on this topic.

I am currently learning Qiskit, a Python-based tool developed by IBM to program quantum systems.

Computational Physics

My interest in computational physics developed after taking an elective course on machine learning. This course helped me develop moderate programming skills, and helped me reflect on the utility (more like necessity) of computers to model complex physical processes.

Here is a link to the GitHub repository on my computational physics coursework.

Plot with the first four Bessel functions, whose values were calculated using numerical integration.

My Work

Below you'll find some of my work from courses such as ordinary differential equations (ODE), optics laboratory, and electromagnetism laboratory.

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Last updated March 2020